Alaska Airlines is a major American airline that primarily serves domestic flights in the United States. Started in 1932, they have grown to be the fifth largest airline in the United States.
The Problem
Americans do not associate Alaska Airlines to a wide-spread airline, but rather associate it to providing transport to Alaska from the west coast.
The Goal
To promote Alaska Airlines as an accessible and feasible option for air travel all across the United States of America.
The Idea
"We come to you"
Bringing recognizable aspects of scenic Alaska into other identifiable cities in the United States closes the gap between destinations. 
Taking it Digital
Incorporating an interactive augmented reality experience gave me the opportunity to experiment in the space where UX design and advertising intersect. 
The goal of this experience is to not only make the entire campaign memorable, but also engage with potential customers while providing another opportunity to purchase flights. 
This experience starts with a Facebook advertising instant experience, which then leads to an augmented reality experience that encourages users to share or explore flights. 
A basic user flow exhibits how the user can interact with the Facebook advertisement, be lead to the interactive experience, and then eventually share or visit the Alaska Airways website
The circles indicate a new screen, while the white text indicates an action by the user. 
The Experience
The screens demonstrate an example of what this experience may look like, and how various elements of scenic Alaska can be exhibited in a variety of environments. 
Coach marks ensure the user knows how to interact with the product, and then they have the ability to explore their surroundings on their own. 
The popular destinations option not only gives the user an opportunity to see different locations is the selected city, but also see flight options for upcoming dates. The various colours of the prices indicates if it is a relatively good price, and the explore more flights option serves as a funnel to the Alaska Airways website.

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